The Rescue Centre was full to bursting when our animal rights lawyer told us of the sad situation of three starving mares in Huelva. So, we had a quick shuffle around the paddocks and were able to offer them refuge. Sadly, our driver was told that one of the mares had died before she could be brought to ARCH.
The two who did find “room at the Inn” for Christmas are in a sorry state, seriously underweight, weak and emaciated. One is named Pespunte (in her twenties) and the other Perla (about 24). Both have had a hard life as breeding mares and have obviously been totally neglected once they were no longer considered useful. They will now have a happier Christmas at ARCH, being fed little and often until their stomachs adjust to having food again. We have also presented them with warm rugs so they can fend off the cold while they gain weight. Both appear to be gentle and have kind faces.

The owner, a repeat offender in animal cruelty, will be prosecuted.
UPDATE: Sadly neither mare could survive the prolonged neglect and, on veterinary advice, both were put to sleep within two weeks of their arrival.